Monday, March 31, 2014

A Few Moments in March

Here are a few random memorable moments that have happened in March.  First off?  I decided to take the plunge and had Keri Hedquist come to my house and help me go through and organize my closet.  I know I have too many clothes.  I've NEVER had space in my closet.  I always feel like I'm cramming the clothes in, and as a result, I hate putting my clothes away.  Well, enough is enough.  I have always gone through everything at least once a year, but I wasn't getting anywhere too quickly.  Keri came over and we got rid of stuff--plenty of stuff--even cute things that she said I really didn't need anymore.  And the best part?  I was totally on board.  I was ready for room and freedom in my closet and my drawers.

She was a little shocked at the sheer number of bags it took to haul out the clothes I'd be donating...I'll be honest... so was I!
But the end result was so incredibly amazing that I didn't want to look back.  SPACE between my hangers???!  And no jeans with bad pockets!!!  (I have a problem of keeping them just because they are long enough for my extra long inseam.  No longer!!!)  
That very weekend, I took all of the bags to our Relief Society President at church and asked her if she could get it to the people who needed it.   Some people would use the clothing, and others would take the items and sell them to earn a living.   I started seeing my clothing pop up in church that very next week.  But I never expected to see this: 

Not even a week after my cleansing, I got a text from Kristy Miller and it was titled, "Thinking of you in Jumbo."  There is was!  One of my shirts that I had donated (We still have 4 of those shirts in other sizes in our home--we love them, Mike Berryhill!)  So, now, I can officially say that the Berryhill name will carry on down here even after we leave Chile :)  I loved this.  I'm so glad Kristy captured it!
Another moment that made me smile?  Sandra and Luke helping me make tortilla roll ups.
Luke loved practicing his knife skills and was learning from the best.  Sandra's chopping skills are like none other.  I like to sit and watch her in amazement sometimes.  And when she sees me undergoing the task, often she offers to take over so I can work on something else (I know it's because my "cuadritos" aren't as fine as she believes they should be :) ) 

Luke practicing his letter H on our kitchen wall.  White board markers really come in handy on tile!
Coming home from dropping off the kids.  Don't mind the bulls in our front yard!!!
Kate and her friend Sabine, dressed up for Twin Day.
Jake's note to a little girl in our ward, Allison Clarke, congratulating her in Spanish on her baptism.
Another moment Kristy captured for me this month.  Our pianist didn't show in Primary, so I was playing the music during singing time and didn't notice what was going down in the front row.  
But Kristy did!  Luke, rocking out to the hymns.

One day I had the chance to meet up with some of the mom's from Jake's class, and go explore a new place in Santiago!  I LOVED it.  Stephanie Edeen, Sabrina Whittle, Liz Haynes and I went down to Barrio Italia to check it out.  Completely unassuming from the main street, but behind each gate were hidden alleys filled with authentic clothing, furniture, shoes shops.  And of course there were delicious restaurants.  It's a wonderful day when a gem has been found.
The 5th Sunday of the month, we are having classes teach Sharing Time in Primary.  This last Sunday, Jake's class was presenting in Junior Primary, and Kate's was presenting in Senior Primary.  I so enjoyed seeing them get up there and talk about the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Really sad that both of their teachers (and friends) will be leaving Chile in a couple of months.  They have been wonderful!
March was a great month!

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