Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Jake's 5th Grade Field Trip to the Kuntsmuseum

I wasn't able to go on any field trips with the kids last year.  Mostly because I couldn't ask anyone to take Mack for the bulk of the day.  When the chance to go on a half day trip came up, I jumped on it.  And thanks to my friend, Mary Beth, who watch Mack for me, I was able to go with Jake and his teacher and his classmates to one of the thousands of museums, here in Basel.   I was so happy to capture this one of Jake and his good friends, Ben and Carl, because just two days later, Carl moved to Singapore.  

 I love doing this type of stuff with my kids because I get to see who is in their class and I get to know the kids a bit better.  I see first hand who they gravitate toward and how they act around their friends.  This was a lot of fun, because we all hopped on the tram and rode right into the city to have the docent of the Küntsmuseum teach us how to look at light, patterns, and different styles of art.  Then the kids were able to be artists themselves.
 I'll admit.  I didn't come for the museum.  I came to make sure Jake knows I love him and I support him and I try my best to make time for him.  I like museums and all, but I didn't jump on this opportunity to dissect artwork.  Haha.  I'm really not great at that anyway.  I know 5th grade is a time when you don't necessarily need to be hugging your mom and hanging out with her on your field trips, but hopefully just having me there made him feel happy and secure.  

I have to say though, when we walked into Monet's section of the museum and I saw Etretát in France, I got giddy!  One, because I recognized it immediately, and two, because it was Jake I took a picture of back in May, with this very view in the background.  I guess Monet and I have pretty good taste ;) 

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