Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Hunger Games

Have you read them??!! I just spent the last three days reading the 3 books in the series. All I can say is," Wow!" All Joe can say is, " I think The Hunger Games caused a hunger game at our house!" Ok, so I'm a little low on food and Jake didn't have any clean jammies last night because I've used all of my spare time indulging myself in a little reading... no wonder I only read on vacation! They were great. Completely sucked me in. I guess I need to get back to reality tomorrow... thanks for putting up with me, our mac 'n cheese for dinner tonight, and the messy house, love. You truly are the best. Can't wait until you start them ;)


Unknown said...

Try "the forest of hands and teeth" next, or the "mazerunner".

Suzie said...

I can't believe that you haven't read them until now. SO good! And yes, totally addicting. I couldn't put them down either!

Carrie said...

They are good huh? Mike and I both had a few late nights reading them : )

Jill said...

love them!!! I just gave them to Emily to read this week. 11 isn't too young, right?? and she's almost done with book 3. we haven't seen her in a few days...

Mike said...

yep I loved them, too!