Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kauai 2014-- Annual Frogging and Fishing

Every year the kids get their headlamps and flashlights and head out with BG to find as many toads as they can.  It's totally normal to have toad pee all over their hands upon returning...

 Thankfully, I had an out --I mean-- someone needed to stay with Luke because he was already asleep ;)
 No fear in this girl whatsoever when it comes to animals, bugs and creepy, crawly things.  

 Nice find, Jake!  Some of these guys are HUGE!

 The boys have arrived.  Doing their own dirty work this year.  Way to go!!!

 From night to day...
 Time to catch some fish...

 Cutest fisherman out there

 Luke's first catch ever!

 And Jake caught the biggest.

Not too shabby.  No animal endangerment occurred during these biology lessons... it was all catch and release and a lot of hand washing after each class :)

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