The things my kids say tickle me. So much so, that I decided to start a quote book way back when. I keep it in the kitchen for easy access, and I write down all of the fun things I hear them say. I was just catching up on it tonight and realized that I never mentioned another favorite from a couple of weeks ago.
I was cuddling with Jake before putting him down for bed, when Kate came in and the following conversation took place:
Kate: "Mom, you gotta see this.:
Me: "Not now, Kate, I'm putting Jake to bed."
Kate: "But, Mom, P-L-E-A-S-E!!! It's something Jakey did."
Me: "Just tell me what it is." (This was said a few times and then when she still resisted...)
Kate: "Well, it's not something Heavenly Father would do... it's something Satan would do."
Do you think I finally listened?!