................................The Thrill on Berryhill ..........................
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Our Evening Stroll and Celebrating Harvey!
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Homecoming #3: Part 2

I wasn't actually at the picture taking... I was over doing Kate's... I was told trying to get the guys to take a decent picture was like trying to herd cats😂

What a fun night! The kids left between 12 and 1am. It didn't matter that Joe was getting up at 6 am the next morning to go to Japan. It didn't matter than I needed to be at church at 8:30 in the morning because I was playing the piano for Sacrament meeting.... we knew naps could happen, so we enjoyed it...and I think they did too!
Homecoming #3: Our Very Own Foothill High School!
This girl really knows how to have a lot of fun!
A Day in the Life of Mack

***"Mom, I really want to go to heaven now." I explained to him how I can only imagine how great it is to be with Heavenly Father and Mother, but I don't want him to go quite yet. I'd miss him too much! Then the truth came out. "Well, Jesus can do anything, right? Like ANYTHING? So, if I go up to heaven, then I can have superpowers like He has!!! That would be SO COOL."
(I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear that Jesus is the greatest superhero of all time in his book. I really like that a lot).
***(Watching General Conference): "So, is President Nelson is a prophet like Brett?" You've got some pretty big shoes to fill, Brett! Hahah. I clarified and said, "Do you mean a missionary? Brett was a missionary..." Oh ya. That's what I meant😂.
***Mack was invited to one of his good friend's bday parties on a Sunday afternoon. Because it was one of his super close friends, I let him choose if he'd like to attend or not. He said he wanted to be there. So I RSVP'd yes. When we got home from church that morning, Mack came up to me and said, "Mom, you're probably going to be pretty mad at me about this, but, I don't want to go to the party. I want to keep Sunday like a holy day."
Mad at him?! Ummm Nope! I asked Joe later if they had had any sort of talk on the way home from church about the party and Sunday, and they hadn't. So, somewhere along the way, something touched his little heart.
***Today Mack woke up saying he hated school and didn't want to go. When I told him I had breakfast on the table waiting for him downstairs, he went to move and started crying, tell me that his groin hurt. Nothing I could do would get hime downstairs eating and in the car for school. So, I made a deal with him. Oh sigh. Those darn deals. I told him that I would send his teacher a note letting her know that he was in a bit of pain. And if after walking around on it and getting some movement going, if it still really hurt, then he could go to the office and I would come get him (there was a small part of me that worried he might be getting a hernia or something). So, suddenly he agreed and we were off in the car. He assured me as he climbed out of the car, "Now, by lunchtime, right?"
I said yes, fully expecting he would get to class and be just fine. Well, at 12:16pm, there was a call from Sunol Glen. Yes, Mack had come in and told the secretary that it was time for his mom to come pick him up. She relayed to me that he was sitting on the chair with some ice. Oh boy. So I headed down to get him. And what did I find when I walked in? Mack, looking totally content and pain-free, waiting in the chair next to the Front Office lady.
I signed him out, and just as we were about to leave, his teacher comes running in with his folder and says, "Well Mack, I hope you feel better. I guess you can just make up your math test this afternoon tomorrow."
Math test? I look at him and he says, "Ok!" And suddenly he was all smiles and happy as we walked through the door. Had I just been conned? I believe the answer to that is an affirmative.
"No mom, it really does hurt. I can walk fine, but it just keeps beeping." Beeping? Yes, I came to discover earlier on that beeping means pulsing. Which, if you think about it, kind of makes sense. So the spot was beeping. I'm sure he pulled a little muscle or something, but the whole scenario killed me. He got out of taking his math test😂. Came home and wanted to snuggle on the couch with me. How can I say no to that?! He knows how to work the system. I can tell you that, right now. One thing is for sure though-- he's going to school and staying at school tomorrow!!!
***Update from yesterday: Mack this morning on the way to school, "I'm so mad at myself." (Why?). "Because I got us into this mess. I told you I wanted to go to school and now here we are. It's all my fault." (😂😂😂)