An awesome Faith in God activity. The kids learned about making mistakes, repenting and relying on the Lord. We went on a big hike and the kids all had big rocks that had been put in their backpacks. As it got harder and harder, they were allowed to give a rock to one of the leaders and we carried their "burden" for them. It was fantastic!
Kate decided she would start her own newspaper for our Berryhill family. This was the front cover. It came complete with a story, ad section, news and a few other pages. It was so creative! I loved it!
Elder Prens and Elder Carvahal are the sweetest missionaries. We really have gotten to know them well and we are so grateful for them. They come to our house for dinner every week or every other week. They try so hard to do what is right and are thoughtful and considerate and always come in and see what they can help us with in Primary. They always try their best to ask me in advance if I need to speak at a baptism instead of right before the baptism!!! I think they are just wonderful. They finally got a chance to serve us 2x in one week in April. After Jake broke his arm, this stomach flu just wasted wanting to leave Jake. We had the Elders come over to help Joe with a blessing. And of course, to sign Jake's cast.
Little did we know that they would be back a few days later because we found out Joe had pneumonia and was flat in bed unable to do anything just 8 days before he was supposed to leave the country. Not good. So Joe got a blessing too! We are so grateful for these men and for the priesthood.
Buddies celebrating Owen's birthday at the park.
Ooooh! A tropical drink made just for me!!! I'll take it :) Thanks, sweet Jake!
So did I actually!
Finding ways to entertain ourselves...Loved this one!!!
Kate, working on her art project for class.
I have to say, Nido provides some pretty awesome opportunities.
I came in to give the boys a bath and found this!!!! I almost died!!! Jake said that it was itchy and so he took it off. What??!!!!!!!!!! Made for a much easier bath, but I made him put it right back on as soon as his arm was dry.
Showing off some of their work at Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences.
April was a FULL month. And I have a feeling May won't be dull in the least bit!