Sunday, August 12, 2018

Kate's a Teenager!

She's got this!

Kate had just returned the day before from a pretty amazing few weeks of summer--which was her real birthday gift.  We let her fly home to California again with Momo and BG after 2 wonderful weeks together here in Switzerland and Greece.  She spent a week with her cousins (which was pure heaven) and then she and Gracie got to go to Girls Camp together for another week with the Pleasanton Stake (again, heaven).  She flew home to Switzerland by herself for the second time in her life, and we were SO HAPPY TO SEE HER.  We got just a few hours together, because she left the following morning to go to the Regional YM/YW camp here in Switzerland for another week.  
So, needless to say, August 12th, was wonderfully low key.

 We started off the day with German pancakes, went to church...and then came home and celebrated and heard about all of her adventures.

The boys LOVED having their sister back.  It just wasn't the same without her.


When I asked what she wanted to do for dinner, she immediately said, 
"Nana's lasagna...and can the Nordstrom's come over?!"

 And so it was.  The Nordstrom's dropped what they were doing and came over to have dinner with us to celebrate Kate turning 13.

Cute Ivy even made party hats for all of us on a whim

 And we managed to grab a picture of the cake and all of the kids after we had already begun to dig in!

 I can't begin to express how grateful we are for the Nordstrom family and the friendship that we share.  I think these relationships had been prayed for long before we stepped foot on CH soil. 
Mia and Kate are two peas in a pod and I love that they have each other.  

Happiest 13th Birthday, Kate!  
We LOVE teenagers in this home.  
I'm not sure how this happened so quickly, and when you grew to almost be able to look me in the eye, but we love every single minute we get to spend with you.  I'm so grateful that even though you are spending more time with friends, and learning to navigate life with a little more freedom and responsibility, you still love spending time with us.  You make me belly laugh.  You are thoughtful and considerate and aware of others feelings.  You are mature beyond your years.  You are capable and strong and funny and so very smart.  You read more books in a week than I do in a year.  You are confident and jump into new and what could be uncomfortable situations with both feet.  You have been blessed with so many talents and you are such a good example to your family and friends.  I have no doubt that you have incredible things in store for you as you align your path with the one God has in store for you.  WE LOVE YOU so much! 
 Best. daughter. ever.  

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