Wednesday, January 4, 2017

It's been a year and a half...

And I'm actually typing my blog address into the internet and logging in.  I haven't done that for... well, since we said goodbye to Chile.  I had really great intentions of keeping it up.  But when we returned home to California, so much happened-- being with family, vacations, moving into temporary housing, selling our own house, buying 2 cars, finding a place to live after that temporary housing ran out, getting the kids settled into daily life, homeschooling, getting Joe and I settled into daily life, basketball teams, baseball teams, Tae Kwon Do, Swim team, piano, Cub Scouts, Activity Days, OH, and how about having a baby?!   Mack Joseph Berryhill joined us on March 31, 2016.  We are all smitten. Yes, I could say that our 18 months home was non-stop chaos in a lot of ways, but it was also pure bliss.  Being so close to our family again was a little slice of heaven.  I didn't have time to document any of it, because I was too busy living it!!!  You might catch little blips of 2015-16 in the future, but I'm trying to get our new adventure started off right.   

In October, Joe came home and casually asked me if I'd be ready to move to Switzerland.  What?!!!  We just moved back!!  We had a 6 month old baby!!  We lived 4 minutes away from Jen and 15 minutes away from Chris!!!  The kids were all into their sports and music and half of those things they were able to do with their cousins because we lived in the same town!!!!!!!  We had unsuccessfully put 4 offers on homes to buy in Pleasanton and were still looking!  No, I wasn't ready to move again.  It was too soon.  I turned the question back to Joe.  "I completely agree."  He had only been in this new role for not even 2 years.  So that was that.  He went into the office and told them that he wasn't interested in this job they presented to him.  I didn't think any more of it.  

Then 3 days later he came home again and told me that they insisted he look into the job description a little more.  It might really interest him.  He looked into it.  It did in fact interest him.  I cringed.  But then I started thinking.  It's Switzerland.  I always told Joe I'd love to go there if the chance ever arose.  And if he really wanted to do another international assignment, then we'd better do it quickly, while the kids were still young.  After a lot of mental taxation and praying... he applied for the job.  And 2 months later, here we are.  

So the adventure begins in subzero temperatures.  We made it.  We are all alive.  We are freezing.  We don't speak a lick of German.  We are exhausted.  It's going to be a great 3 years!!!

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