Monday, November 17, 2008

Dorothy and The Lion

A few moments from Halloween...I realized Kate didn't even know what the Wizard of Oz was, let alone Dorothy! We read her the story and then she agreed to let her princess idea go as soon as she saw the sequined Dorothy dress. That was just as good as any princess dress out there--well, almost...after our Halloween party, we came home to do a little trick or treating, and she HAD to change into her fairy dress so she could use her star wand as she danced from house to house.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

And So It Begins...

Do I dare take the plunge even though I promised myself I wouldn't attempt this until my scrapbooking was caught up?! (FYI--it's not!!!) Joe was sitting on the couch, working on his computer, and suddenly saw an email pop up..."Julie, you have a Face Book account?" Yep, just joined 3 days ago...How long has Face Book been around? I know. I am not on the forefront when it comes to these things. And so, I'll give it a shot. I clutter plenty of email boxes with my pictures, so why not try a more efficient way, right? If I don't like it, I can always go back...Here we go!