I had tried a piano teacher for Kate a few months after we arrived in Chile and it just wasn't great. So I decided I would teach her. It was going fine for a while, but when we moved into our new place, the lessons fell to the wayside. Valeria Munoz Pardo, another dear friend of mine, from church, teaches. We decided to not only have her teach Kate, but start Jake up with lessons as well. 
Jake was PUMPED. He really couldn't believe that he was old enough for lessons.
He made a piano book for himself so Valy could write his weekly assignments in it for him. Even put a spot for her to write comments on his progress. The kids kills me. He was so excited. LOVE this happy bodies drawn on the piano bench.
Kate was thrilled too! She went on and on about how nice Valy is and she is bound and determined to master Fur Elise. Guess who else found her new favorite spot? Every lesson, Maple runs over and throws herself down right underneath the piano bench and sits there until the lessons are over. Everyone loves Valy. I don't blame them. I'm so excited that they get to take lesson from her. Jake's excitement about practicing has slackened a bit. To be expected... but he still LOVES it when it's his turn to spend 30 minutes with his piano teacher :) Thank you, Valy, for impacting my kids in such a positive light.
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