After cleaning up all of the frosting, we hopped in the car and headed to school so we could join Kate's class at the art museum. Riding the bus with Kate and her friends really made you feel like one of the big kids!
Our group as we made our way through the museum, trying to find answers to questions we had been given.
You and Kate found a spot to camp out while you patterned your masterpieces after the ones on the wall.
It was a great field trip. We had so much fun with Kate's class. After school was over, we surprised Kate and Jake and snagged them from their after school activities. After all, it was your birthday and we needed to celebrate. So, we all went to the movies. You got to pick out your favorite candy at the "American Candy Store," and you were in heaven eating popcorn and Fun Dip as we watched one of the few films for kids in English at the movie theater down here in Chile.
When the movie was over, we realized we had just enough time to jump in the car and meet dad at the Crepe Restaurant for your birthday dinner request. As I buzzed in and out of traffic, trying to get there in time, I looked back and saw you completely sacked out.
Fun Dip still in your hand.

When we were half way through our meal, you came to and Dad got to ask you about your birthday.
And then you really woke up when you heard that the Nutella banana crepes were on their way!
No one really wanted cake but we definitely wanted to sing to you! So the candles were lit...
...and our harmonic rendition of Feliz Cumpleanos was sung.
Your wish was made...
Wow. What a cake.
We all love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much... as you like to say, Luke.
Happy Birthday, Buddy. We hope your wish came true!
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