Yep! It's been 7 years since Joe and I were married! Hard to believe-- we both don't feel like it's been that long, but then we see all that has happened in the time we've been together and we almost can't remember what life was like without each other.

My sister-in-law Alisa gave us the best gift ever. She came yesterday to watch the kids for us so we could have 24 hours to ourselves. We said goodbye after a big breakfast together and headed over to the coast-- Half Moon Bay--one of our favorite places to go. It was BEAUTIFUL! We went on a hike up on the cliffs overlooking the ocean and the surfers below at Mavericks; we got to exercise in the middle of the afternoon and then soak in a hot tub; we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Mezza Luna; and best of all, we got to snuggle up and watch a movie in bed and eat all of the popcorn we wanted without worrying about the mess! It's amazing what one night away can do for the soul! As we drove up to the house, we saw Kate knocking on the front window with a huge smile on her face and we heard Jake yelling, "Mama! Dada!" 24 hours was plenty! Thank you SO MUCH Alisa! And Happy Anniversary, Joe! Marrying you was the best decision I've ever made! xo
Happy anniversary! Your husband selection is top notch!
Happy Anniversary!!! Glad that you were able to get away and have a fun time!!
So sweet! Happy anniversary guys! Love you!
Boo - I love you! Thanks for making me the luckiest guy ever!
Alisa - Thanks for giving us the chance to get away. We love you!
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