For Christmas this year, I received the most incredible heart-felt gift from my mom. Let me explain. For years my sister and I have been asking my mom for our baby became quite the joke because although we were recorded in PLENTY of pictures, they were never put into a book. Well, when Jen had her first child, my mom surprised her with the most beautiful "baby books." She looked at me and said, "You'll get yours when you have your first too, Boo." So, Kate came and then Jake... I still teased... well, this year was my year. Not only did I get a baby book, I got volumes! My mom saved EVERYTHING! You can't hold back the tears and laughter looking through all of it! THANK YOU, MOM! Now I have moments like the one below recorded :)
Yes, that's me and that's Chris. Hysterical, isn't it? Remember how excited you were to get braces? Oh, I couldn't wait! I was going to look so grown up! I remember my friends at Foothill Elementary used to take paperclips, unfold them, and then put them in our mouths so they would look like retainers. How gross is that???

So, how come when you get braces on as an adult, it doesn't make you look more grown up? I'm trying to figure that one out :) Yes, I got braces put on yesterday. Oh, I didn't remember them hurting like this! Thankfully I only have 8 of them and they are on the lower teeth, so you can't really see them ;) Joe just laughed. "How long are you going to have these things on?" Once again, thankfully, only 4 months...ok he said 4-6 months. You can do anything for that amount of time, right? Plus a professional discount never hurts! I'll have to get a picture....
Hey Julie,
We are moving to NC and I remember reading you have lived there? Email me so I can chat with you and get info please. Lindsay
What a perfect Christmas gift from your mom. And that picture is definitely a treasure.
Oh I loved looking at your picture books in college...I can only imagine the fun pictures as you grew up.
And I'm jealous you got braces...I want some for my 4 bottom teeth that I can see are starting their course in the wrong direction. Darn my tongue thrust issues that never got resolved the first time with braces.
Welcome to the club! :) I had mine as an adult for 2 full years, and Brad has them right now, again(he's already had them twice before as a teenager, but had an awful orthodontist)! He's had them on for a year and has a year left. We are hoping that it really works this time! It better!
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