Sunday, May 18, 2014

Time to Do a Little Hiking

We woke up the next morning to this:
How incredible is this?!

After breakfast, we boarded the boat back over to the other side of Dorita Bay and found our car.  
It was going to be a gorgeous day.
Time to find a glacier.  One of the perks of getting up and out "early" (9am), was that we were the only ones on the trail!  That is one thing I love about Chile.  Early is never what it is back home.

Had a close call.  Came to the first beautiful vista and with my gloves on, went to take my lense cap off and down it fell, below the bridge.  Sooo grateful it wasn't into the glacier river!!!!  A successful retrieval and lesson learned.
There's the glacier off in the distance...

And off we went.

WOODY WOODPECKER!  During a brief moment of silence on our hike, we heard knocking.  Then we heard it in the other direction...and then above our heads.  We stopped, and realized we were surrounded by woodpeckers!  All but one were black.  And I caught him!  Check out the color on this guy!  

It was a little muddy, with all of the waterfalls coming down onto the trail, but we couldn't complain :)

Finally made it to the vista to see and hear the hanging glacier.  We sat there long enough to witness huge pieces break off and hit the rocks below.  The sound never got old. 

A little more wildlife...

What a hike!  The terrain was incredible.

First time I think I have ever seen a family of purple mushrooms.  It reminded me of a book I loved when I was little... "Lisa and the Grompet."

One more peek at the glacier from down below before we had to hurry back to catch the boat across the bay again. 
What a perfect way to start our day in Puyuhuapi!