Monday, April 21, 2014

Superheroes and Sidekicks

Joe came home from work to find someone waiting for him with a backpack, a flashlight, and a "This is serious," expression written all over his face.

 "Dad! You know you're my sidekick. We have to go on a special mission right now to discover the evil brother of Dr. Seuss. If you don't come, you're OUT." (Meaning someone else would take that sought after position).  Seriously just love him and what comes out of that mouth. 

Another burst of love moment--this time for Joe as he threw on his jeans and grabbed the backpack and said, "Let's do it, Jake!!!"  

I took Lucy out for a walk a little later and literally found them in the middle of their quest. (I'm so glad they didn't hear me coming).  Apparently the cape was stashed in the backpack for emergencies.  

I couldn't have planned it better.

1 comment:

MC & FA Berryhill Family said...

Joe you ROCK. You are an awesome dad! Love that Jake too. He's past the "projects" phase and on to the "adventures" phase I guess. What a fun guy.